comments start with a double-quote " character followed by a
commentId character ('*' in this comment)
the website tip section contains a single group enclosed in
{(...)} and must itself not contain any '(' and ')' characters
menu sections are enclosed in {} and contain at least two
'(...)' groups each
menu chapters are encolsed in []
~ between menus insers extra <br> spacings
^ instead of | as link-to-text separator means open in new window
! instead of | as link-to-text separator means the link is
inactive and may be skipped in the menu source
@ at the beginning of a chapter makes it a book (i.e. display
'previous' and 'next' links on the book's pages)
do not use special HTML characters in the menu, such as &,
<, >, etc
do not use simple paranthesis ( and ) or double-quotes " in text
(e.g. menu titles, tips, etc)
"*the WSX template Help pop-up*"
{(Website Navigation Tips:|Click the first 'refresh' icon to collapse
the website navigation menus except the one containing the currently
opened page|Click one of the languages to change the current
language|Click the currently selected language in the language menu to
collapse all the website navigation menus and open the website's home
page in the current language|Click the color-dotted icon to change the
website skin|Click the CD icon to open the current document in a new
window, thus making it available for saving, printing, emailing,
etc|Input a search term in the search box and then click the lens icon
to perform a website search|Click the Up arrow at the bottom-right of
the window to go to the table of contents and/or to the top of the
page||Extras:|Double-click the page header image
to change the website skin|Double-click inside a blank area in the page
browser menu to close all menus|Double-click inside the document area
to go
to the table of contents and/or to the top of the page|To obtain the
full URL of a web page,
right-click the web page's entry in the website navigation menu on the
left and select 'Copy Link' from the context menu)}
"*the "Pages" menu section*"
(doc1/doc1.html|Welcome page)
(doc5/doc5.html|Special characters|Right-click this link and
select 'Open in new window' to see the HTML codes for the special
characters [offline mode only])
(doc7/doc7.html|Embedded objects|The objects embedded in a page
may consist of images, videos, music players, etc)
[(doc2/doc2.html|Chapter|A chapter can group pages, folders, or
other chapters)
(doc3/doc3.html|Chapter page)
@[(doc8/doc8.html|Sub-chapter|Sub-chapter with
automatically-linked pages)
page 1)
page 2)
[(|Folder|A folder can group pages, chapters, or other folders)
(doc4/doc4.html|Folder item)
"*the "Links" menu section*"
(doc6/doc6.html|Page containing links)
(/fr/page3.html|Page #3 in the French section|Links to a page in
a different language automatically change the language selection)
(http://www.google.com|External link to Google|External links
are opened in a new window/tab)
"*the "Files" menu section*"
(document.pdf|A PDF document|Non-HTML files that can be
displayed directly inside a web browser, e.g. PDF documents,
stand-alone image files, etc, are opened in a new window/tab)
(/archive.zip|A ZIP archive|Downloadable files, e.g archives,
word documents, etc, are opened in their default application or they
bring up the download manager, according to the browser settings)
"*the "Tutorial" menu section*"
(wsx_tutorial/wsx_tutorial.html^WSX Tutorial|opens in new