Cascaded Style Sheets (CSS) Sandbox - Help Page
- This is a CSS Example Code Generator.
- It is composed by three frames with the following functionalities:
- the left frame is the CSS Generator Form page, where the user selects style properties for HTML tags written on top of the page;
- the right-top frame is the Help / Generated Code display page;
- the right-bottom frame: is the Effect page, where the user can see what happens when styles are applied.
- The HTML Code group lets the user write his own HTML tags that will be formatted later.
- With the Element to Format group the user can choose a HTML element that will format (the HTML element can be a TAG, a CLASS of tags, a element identified by ID, a PSEUDO-CLASS of tags, a PSEUDO-ELEMNT or combination of those).
- The rest of groups are the effective CSS generators.
- Almost all the titles on the left page (the blue words) are links to a help pages.
- The page title (CSS Generator) is link to the this help page that you are reading right now.
- For a better understanding of how the CSS sandbox works, I recomand you to read all the help pages first.